Yuval Noah Harari | Climate Change & One World Religion | Returning to Mt. Sinai to Introduce Ten Universal Commandments | "In the 10 Commandments You Have an Endorsement of Slavery," "A World with Completely Different Laws,"
Gesù gli disse:GUAI A VOI SCRIBI E FARISEI,IPOCRITI GUAI!!!MAESTRI DEL NULLA.Guide cieche,che filtrate il moscerino e ingoiate il cammello!Ecco:la vostra casa vi sarà lasciata deserta!come potrete scampare dalla condanna della Geenna?Vangelo Mt cap23
Yuval Noah Harari | Climate Change & One World Religion | Returning to Mt. Sinai to Introduce 10 Universal Commandments | "A World with Completely Different Laws," & "We Will Rebuild the Temple"