Mayor Rudy Giuliani Joins ReAwaken Tour Detroit!!! + 547 Tickets Remain for June 27-28 2024 Event Featuring America's General (Flynn), America's Mayor (Giuliani), Eric & Lara Trump, Etc!!! Request Tickets Via Text: 918-851-0102
Yuval Noah Harari | "This Is Just the Beginning. You Can Follow Everybody All the Time & Analyze the Oceans of Data In Order to Police a Population. AI Is Not a Tool, It Is An Agent. Millions of Agents." - 9/27/2024
Alex Jones | General Flynn & Clay Clark Interviewed By Alex Jones (12/27/23) | General Flynn Was Right. Alex Jones Was Right. Tucker Carlson Was Right. Joe Rogan Was Right! It's Time to Unite!!!"
Robert Kiyosaki | Is BRICS Introducing a Gold-Backed Currency: Why Has Gold Gone from $444 Per Oz. to $2,400 Per Oz. Since 2005? 98% of Countries Developing CBDCs? How Liquid Is Gold? What Are Bail-Ins? $27,000 Gold?
BRICS | "On Friday (6/7/24), Putin Started Sending a Massive Armada of Battleships Headed Right to Cuba, Off Florida's Coast." + "They're Going to Stop Using Dollars As Reserve Currency." - Massey (6/7/24) + $27,000 Gold?
Yuval Noah Harari | "For 4 Billion Years, It's the Same Basic Organic Stuff. And Then You Have Elon Musk, or Sam Altman or Whomever It's Going to Be And the Start of a New Evolutionary Process of Inorganic Lifeforms." - 9/27/24
Dan Lyons | Why Can’t Most People Lose Weight? | Why When You Start Eating Animal Fats You Will Get Thinner + The Best-Selling Author of the Carnivore Diet Shawn Baker + Shawn Baker Joins June 27-28 Business Workshop!
BRICS | "BRICS Summit In October Is Getting Closer, the Anticipation of a NEW BRICS CURRENCY And Its New Blockchain-Based Payment System Is One of the Main Topics." - 8/27/2024 + Klaus Schwab's Comments On Bitcoin?
Dedollarization | "My Latest Forecast Is That Gold May Actually Exceed $27,000 Per Ounce. If You Just Do the Math. What Would the Price Have to Be for 8,000 Tons to Back Up M1? Money Supply?" - Jim Rickards (5/27/24)
Ice Fishing | Is Ice Fishing Or Buying Gold More Scary for Most People? "My Latest Forecast Is That Gold May Exceed $27,000 Per Ounce. If You Just Do the Math.” - Jim Rickards (5/27/24) + Will the Dollar Survive?