We’re getting bigger, we’re getting stronger, and we’re not gonna stop until we win! #PPC #BearHUG 👉Watch this video from last Saturday's rally at Queen's Park in Toronto! #TrudeauMustGO #O'toolMustGO
Newfoundland #BearHUG Crew - Just left Salt Springs ❤ Had an amazing send off from this sweet little community with great big hearts❤ Warm meals and lots of Hugs all the way around! #United - #NoVaxxPass #NoMandatesEVER #TrudeauMustGo #O'toolMust
Powerful speech from Ottawa today by Tamara Lich (I believe) that brought me to tears. You are not alone. End the mandates. End The Lies. End The Fear. #freedomconvoy2022 #ottawa #freedom #canada
LIVE with Daniel Bulford & Thomas O’Connor Live interview with Daniel Bulford former Trudeau Sniper detail who has resigned from the RCMP and Thomas O’Connor who has resigned from the Paramedic service in protest over the continued violation of ou