4 years agoApril Fools??? Numbers revisited by Juan O SavinJENNIFER MAC - be deliciously healthy® NEWS
4 years agoWorld According to Juan: Slaves No More - Juan O Savin calls Abel Danger’s Field McConnellJENNIFER MAC - be deliciously healthy® NEWS
4 years agoPatrick Bouvier Kennedy in Photo? Reading the ArchivesJENNIFER MAC - be deliciously healthy® NEWS
4 years agoAn $80 Million Bounty on President Trump’s Head?? Roseanne Barr & Juan O SavinJENNIFER MAC - be deliciously healthy® NEWS
4 years agoRest in Peace JFK - The history of RIGHT NOW!!! with Juan O SavinJENNIFER MAC - be deliciously healthy® NEWS
4 years agoWhy is JFK Gravesite a Q? Featured from Original DARK to LIGHT Juan O Savin UNCENSOREDJENNIFER MAC - be deliciously healthy® NEWS
4 years agoPurple Ties, Patrick Bouvier Kennedy, Fake Dummy, and NO SUGAR!!!JENNIFER MAC - be deliciously healthy® NEWS
4 years agoPatrick Bouvier Kennedy (1963) and Alexander Onassis (1973) (Correction in RED at 17 minutes)JENNIFER MAC - be deliciously healthy® NEWS
4 years agoJuan O Savin phones in to discuss 113 - Is it a Day? A Pattern? Or Both? You decide!!!JENNIFER MAC - be deliciously healthy® NEWS
4 months agoJUAN O SAVIN & TRENISS EVANS Breaking News „17 Day Special Message“ on Conservative Patriot Nation.ConservativePatriotNation
4 years agoJFK JR Spotting at Trump Rally in Dallas??? Review of Cincy Qamom and Fernando Facial ComparisonJENNIFER MAC - be deliciously healthy® NEWS
4 years agoVincent Fusca Demo Reel - plus a couple VF sightings!JENNIFER MAC - be deliciously healthy® NEWS
4 years agoCorn Chan Memes 100 - Thought this day would never corn!!!JENNIFER MAC - be deliciously healthy® NEWS
4 years agoHow The Obama Administration Weaponized Surveillance Laws To Target TrumpJENNIFER MAC - be deliciously healthy® NEWS
4 years agoJuan O Savin talks about my last video! New James Bond MovieJENNIFER MAC - be deliciously healthy® NEWS
4 years agoMasking with the Stars! No JUAN can take it! YENSID.com with Deplorable People SOS RemixJENNIFER MAC - be deliciously healthy® NEWS
4 years agoGeorge or Jack - You Decide! Mysterious voice on GEORGE NEWS dated June 21, 2019JENNIFER MAC - be deliciously healthy® NEWS
4 years agoWorld According to Juan: Trump, Birth Certificate, Loretta Fuddy, [C_A]JENNIFER MAC - be deliciously healthy® NEWS
4 years agoMichael Flynn - The American Fight for Freedom DocumentaryJENNIFER MAC - be deliciously healthy® NEWS
4 years agoReverse the spell with the magic JUAN! DISNEY spelled backwards??? Get your mask on now!!!JENNIFER MAC - be deliciously healthy® NEWS
4 years agoTed Cruz says what the H... E... double hockey sticks is going on!!!JENNIFER MAC - be deliciously healthy® NEWS
4 years agoJuly 5th starts the American Revolution... just like the JUAN in 1776? You Decide - SLAVES NO MORE!JENNIFER MAC - be deliciously healthy® NEWS