Baphomet | Why Did Elon Musk Dress Up Like Baphomet for Halloween? Why Did Grimes Show the Baphomet Sign During Her Vanity Fair Shoot? Why Grimes Wear a Vantablack Crown to the 2018 MET Gala? + Musk Wearing New World Order Jacket?
Christmas, Easter & Halloween, The Ancient Celts, Light to Dark + Big Fires, Wearing Masks so that Demonic Spirits Would Not Recognize Them + Human Sacrifices
Halloween, Mass Abduction & Sacrifice (Globally), Sex Magick, Entangling on a Quantum Level with Something Other Than God, Demonic Relics + Cathy Fox Blog + The Demons' Demands, The Cost of Hidden Knowledge
Samhain, A Pope Declared November 1st (the Day After Halloween) All Saints Day, When the Veil is Thinnest + Trick or Treat, People Generally Just Want Fun, They Don't Have Malicious Intent