General Flynn | How Did They Lose SecDef Austin? 30+ Countries to Join BRICS? China & Russia's Quantum Satellite Link, Graphene Semiconductors & Surveillance Under the Skin? “COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under Your Skin.” - Yuval Noah Hara
China’s Xi Jinping Warns Taiwan in New Year Message + "BRICS Announced In 2023 That They Would Be Pursuing Their Own Currency." Is the Dollar On the Verge of Being WIPED OUT?
BRICS | "The Russia & China-led BRICS Group Aims to Counter Western Democracies & toe Produce Its Own Alternate Currency." - (January 4th 2024)
First Ever Graphene Semiconductors + Scientists from Russia & China Have Successfully Established Quantum Communication Over Distance of 3800 Kilometers = China Using Brain Control Weapons "Humans Are Hackable Animals" - Yuval Noah Harari