7 months agoDr. Byram Bridle on how public health authorities manipulated Covid vaccine datanewstart2024Verified
2 months agoCOVID vaccine adulteration w/Kevin McKernan, Byram Bridle, Chris Martenson, Steve KirschBiological Medicine
5 months ago【PL】Dr Byram Bridle mówi o podstawach naukowych zakazu stosowania szczepionek mRNA przeciwko COVIDGloryMifan2
5 months ago【HU】Dr. Byram Bridle az mRNS COVID vakcinák betiltásának tudományos alapjairól beszélGloryMifan2
9 months ago240604 An Injection of Truth - The Risks of Covid-19 “Vaccine” in ChildrenTheChrisAndKerryShow
1 year agoUrgent Hearing on Reports of DNA Contamination in Covid-19 Vaccines with Expert panels Dr Sucharit Bhakdi Prof Bridle Dr Peter McCullough Dr Jessica Rose and many othersjess93
5 months ago【IT】Il dottor Byram Bridle parla delle basi scientifiche per vietare i vaccini COVID a mRNAGloryMifan2
5 months ago【FR】Le Dr Byram Bridle parle des fondements scientifiques de l'interdiction des vaccins COVID à ARNmGloryMifan2
1 year agoThe Canadian Independent interviews Dr. Byram Bridle about COVID-19 and the vaccinesThe Canadian Independent
3 years agoImmunology Prof Byram Bridle: Study "Proving" COVID Vax Safe for Pregnant Women Now Debunked (9.17.21)LibertarianMediaCritic
2 years ago[TRAILER] Fiction of the Unvaxxed Threat to the Triple-Vaxxed -Dr. Byram Bridle, ImmunologistBright Light News
2 years agoDr Byram Bridle - Canadian Covid Health Panel (Feb 11, 2022 - Marriott Ottawa)NivoMediaGroup
1 month agoDr. Byram Bridle on Canada’s Experimental COVID Vaccines and Liability IssuesPLANDEMIK1984
3 years agoDr. Byram Bridle Addresses Toronto Event Aimed at "Let the Kids Play"covexit.com - covid-19 news & policy analysis
3 years agoProf.Dr Byram Bridle: The spike protein in the COVID "vaccines" is a very dangerous toxinTellMeSweetLittleLies
1 year agoBAIT AND SWITCH: Public got *DIFFERENT* COVID jab than approved by regulators | Kevin McKernanfrankploegman
3 years agoHere's Why Masks Don't Work! Viral immunologist Dr. Byram Bridle performs a simple experimentBiological Medicine
3 years agoScience Debate Dr. Byram Bridle VS Dr. Theresa Tam And Health Officials: Evidence They Are LyingBookend
3 years agoDr. Byram Bridle fallas de estudios de vacuna Covid 19. Plandemia CoronavirusFalsa Pandemia Covid