2 years agoEleicoes 2022 - 10 Fatos importantes das auditorias das Eleições Brasileiras de 2022leobastos
2 years agoBrazil Was Stolen Live de 6 de NovembroO Salsichão do Amor - Filmes, música, zoeira e conservadorismo
2 years agoIn Brazil Brazilian Supreme Court Judges Arrest Brazilians for "Crime of Opinion"RenatoCarraro
2 years agoLive 1 - Audtoria Independente Eleições 2022 Brasil com Fernando CerimedoBrazil Was Stolen (Brasil Foi Roubado)
2 years agoIn Brazil Brazilian Supreme Court Judges Arrest Brazilians for "Crime of Opinion"RenatoCarraro
2 years agoBreaking! The Turtle tries to remove campers, Pres Plane returns, 2 fires in 24hrs and more.MickyD2
2 years agoIs Impeachment on the table? Bolso swamped in Florida, and another chat with a protester.MickyD2
2 years agoBack at the protest in Joinville, the people aren't giving up folks! + I speak to some peopleMickyD2
2 years agoJoinville, Santa Catarina state protests for the 36th straight day!! Plus some news updates.MickyD2
2 years agoNothing can stop the people of Joinville! Day 27 of protests & a scenario to consider.MickyD2