Marina Abramović | What Is 5G Technology? Why Is the Spirit Cooking Marina Abramović Advising Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Bill Gates, Lady Gaga, Jay-Z, Gwen Stefani, Etc? Crystal Oscillators?
Yuval Noah Harari | Why Does James Corden, Barack Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, MIT, New York Times, Stanford, Harvard, the World Economic Forum and Klaus Schwab Praise the Writings and Teachings of Yuval Noah Harari?
Yuval Noah Harari | "Important People Say That Harari Is Saying SPECIAL Things, Bill Gates, Obama, Zuckerberg." + "People Will Literally Be Part of a Network & You Won't Be Able to Survive If You're Disconnected."
Bill Gates | HORRIFYING Genetically Modified Mosquitoes | "Rare, Deadly Viruses Spreading in US Months After Millions of Bill Gates' Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Released"
CRISPR | CRISPR Gene-Editing 101 + Is Injecting mRNA Modifying Technology & CRISPR Gene Editing Into Humanity the Goal of "The Great Reset?" Featuring Musk, Schwab, Harari, Gates, Bourla, the 2016 X-Files Prophecy and More
Anthropocene | Why Is the World Economic Forum Calling for the Anthropocene? | Why Are the Gates and the Rockefeller Foundations Building Up a Seed Supply to Survive the Anthropocene?
Bo Polny | Are the Kings of the Earth About to Weep and Wail?!! + Dr. Rashid Buttar & Karen Kingston On China & Russia Using Yuan & Ruble for Trade, Biden Pushes Annual COVID-19 Shots & Gates Finances Quantum-Dot Tattoo Technology to Hold