13 days ago3 Count Bout (Arcade - Attract Mode) [EU Version of "ファイヤー・スープレックス"]GAMING WITH THE DESERTPUNK!Verified
13 days agoアクセル・ブリッド (Nintendo Super Famicom - Attract Mode) [JP Only]GAMING WITH THE DESERTPUNK!Verified
1 month ago'Allo 'Allo: Cartoon Fun! (Commodore Amiga 500 - Attract Mode) [EU Only]GAMING WITH THE DESERTPUNK!Verified
11 months agoOmen of Sorrow: Arising Chaos - Attract ModeArcade Heroes - The Saviors of Coin-opVerified
2 months ago'88 Games (Arcade - Attract Mode) [NA Version of "ハイパー・スポーツ・スペシャル"]GAMING WITH THE DESERTPUNK!Verified
2 months agoAlien vs Predator [Unreleased Prototype] (Atari Lynx - Attract Mode) [NA Version]GAMING WITH THE DESERTPUNK!Verified
1 month agoAlien vs Predator (Atari Jaguar - Attract Mode) [NA Version of "エイリアンVSプレデター"]GAMING WITH THE DESERTPUNK!Verified
5 days agoStandard Handheld Theater: "3D Tetris" (Nintendo Virtual Boy - 1996) [NA Only]GAMING WITH THE DESERTPUNK!Verified
2 months agoAcademy: Tau Ceti II (Atari ST - Attract Mode) [EU Only]GAMING WITH THE DESERTPUNK!Verified
27 days agoAce of Aces (Sega Master System - Attract Mode) [PAL Only]GAMING WITH THE DESERTPUNK!Verified
3 years agoGimmick! Exact Mix Attract Mode (Ver. 1.0.5)Arcade Heroes - The Saviors of Coin-opVerified
1 year agoEnter The Gungeon: House of the Gundead Arcade Attract ModeArcade Heroes - The Saviors of Coin-opVerified
1 month ago2nd Space (Nintendo Game Boy - Attract Mode) [PAL Only]GAMING WITH THE DESERTPUNK!Verified
1 month agoAero Blasters (TurboGrafx-16 - Attract Mode) [NA Version of "エアロ・ブラスター"]GAMING WITH THE DESERTPUNK!Verified