Vivek Ramaswamy Drops Out of Presidential Race After Coming in 4th at the Iowa Caucus, He Officially Endorses Trump, and Trump Does the Right Thing—Congratulating Vivek for Coming Out of Nowhere So Powerfully! Vivek to Appear at Trump Rally TOMORROW!!
President Trump's Victory Speech at the Iowa Caucus (1/15/24) | WE in 5D: Trump Does the Right Thing Tonight, Congratulating Vivek Ramaswamy for Coming Out of Nowhere So Powerfully.. Instead of Attacking Him! Vivek to Appear at Trump Rally TOMORROW!!
BREAKING: Chants of "VP, VP, VP" Erupt From the Crowd After Vivek Ramaswamy's POWERFUL SPEECH at New Hampshire Trump Rally with a DIRECT Message to the Illuminati Global "Elite" Deep State Cabal! (1/16/24)
BREAKING: Trump Brings Vivek Ramaswamy on Stage at Tonight's New Hampshire Trump Rally! (1/22/24) | WE in 5D: NOTE—When Trump Picks His VP Another [LARGE] “Block” of the Q-Tard/JFK Jr. Narrative Will Be Dissembled.