If You Still Don't Understand Why You Were "Mandated" To Take A "Vaccine" After This Video Then You Are The "USELESS EATER" That Klaus Schwab References!
IoT Course - Invited Seminar - Intra-body Communications - Zhangyu Guan Associate Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering at University at Buffalo
Business Coach | "I'm Learning a Ton of Things We Can Apply Immediately. I Go to Alot of Seminars, This Is By Far the Most Entertaining. Clay Does a Great Job of Mixing It Up!" - Clint Howard + How to Grow a Fitness Business
Great Reset | "Authority & Power Will Shift from Humans to Computers. Most Humans Will Become Economically USELESS & Politically POWERLESS." - Yuval Noah Harari + "You'll Get Better Advice from Your Device Than Your Own Thought
The Great Reset | "What Will We Do With All of These USELESS PEOPLE?" - Yuval Noah Harari + "How Do You Create a Class of Slaves That Cannot Even Cognitively Rebel EVER Again." - Whitney Webb "Humans Are Now HACKABLE ANIMALS."