Biden: "We have the highest unemployment in 50 years! You know, my, my, my son says, you ought to have a, uh, you know, we all have, uh, various short-term descriptions for your jobs, for what you're accomplished. You should say, Joe jobs."
Biden's "Presidential Freedom of Medal" Clown Show: "She's not only, she's not only the only person receiving this medal, she is a, uh, she is a, uh, you know..."
Shuffling Biden: "I'm counting on the border action happening by itself... There's no need... I'm meeting with the prime mini — I'm meeting with the Polish leader tomorrow... uh, tomorrow?"
Biden Clown Show: "An awful lot of people.. even they pay their loans, their debt increases.. my dad used to say, Joey a, uh, a paycheck is about more than a, uh.. and the economy is growing, it's growing job income across the board."
Biden: "I'm going to Georgia today to help Sen. Warren. Not to Georgia, I'm gonna help Sen. Warren I'm gonna.. major fundraiser up in Boston, today.. for.. before the uh, our next continued Senate candidate, uh, Senator."