World Economic Forum | World Economic Forum Agenda Contributor Jane Goodall "If I Just Had This Magic Power, I Would Like to Without Causing Any Pain or Suffering Reduce the Number of People On the Planet." - Jane Goodall + Club of Rome 101
𐌂Ƴ𐌂𐌋ꝊP𐌔 (2008 Full Movie) | Sci-Fi/Horror | Summary: This dazzling tale is set in ancient Rome. A corrupt emperor sends his best general to kill a deadly Cyclops but man and beast team up and try to overthrow him instead.
Weather Modification | In 1972 The Limits to Growth Was Published By The Club of Rome | "If You Want More Liberty & More Consumption You Have to Have Fewer People." - Limits to Growth Co-Author Dennis L. Meadows
CLIMATE CRIMES -- Governments Are Murdering Millions of People Through Ultra-Hazardous Weather And Climate Modification Operations | With link to the report and many other documentaries BELOW in the description