1 year agoAITA for booking a holiday at the same place my sister will be for her honeymoon?Cosmic Exchange
1 year agoAITA for refusing to send my daughter to public school or asking my BIL to pay for my stepkids?Cosmic Exchange
1 year agoAITA because I told my parents to choose between living in my garage or a nursing home.Cosmic Exchange
1 year agoAITA for telling my future DIL I’m not giving her money for her wedding anymore?Cosmic Exchange
1 year agoAITA for refusing to make special meals for my stepdaughter and deliver them to her room?Cosmic Exchange
1 year agoAITA for telling my aunt to keep her gifts since my kids couldn’t care less about them?Cosmic Exchange
1 year agoAITA for saying I will call social services if my SIL keeps leaving her child at my place?Cosmic Exchange
1 year agoWIBTAH for removing my 23 son from life insurance and not including in will because he disowned me?Cosmic Exchange
1 year agoAITA for telling my sister that she absolutely can not bring her service dog to our wedding?Cosmic Exchange
1 year agoAITA for telling my DIL she wasn’t invited since she is an embarrassment at dinnersCosmic Exchange
1 year agoAITA for telling my brother that the name he wants to give his child isn't ok?Cosmic Exchange
1 year agoAITA for either letting my mom be homeless or offering her a plane ticket to our home country?Cosmic Exchange
1 year agoAITA for telling my son he will pay back for the cheese/meat or he won’t be eating thanksgiving?Cosmic Exchange