11 months ago傑西奈JZ小閒聊幾句 -「一窺鏡中相」 |藍慕沙 Ramtha|JZ KNIGHT’S LE PETITE CHATS THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASSRamtha 32|藍慕沙
9 months ago“脱落”之情况報告—永不休止的副作用?|藍慕沙 Ramtha| Update on Shedding: Never-ending Side Effects?Ramtha 32|藍慕沙
1 year ago希望來自天外高處 - 拒止核戰之威懾力降臨!|藍慕沙 Ramtha|HOPE IN HIGH PLACES - comes a deterrent against nuclearRamtha 32|藍慕沙
1 year agoEdgar Cayce、亞特蘭蒂斯、藍師在印度|藍慕沙 Ramtha|Edgar Cayce, Atlantis, and the Ram in IndiaRamtha 32|藍慕沙
8 months agoSPECIAL PODCAST with Ramtha. Episode 7: Immortality and The Elixir of LifeWEGeniusMinds Productions