1 year agoDavid Martin I didn’t call it a bio weapon! Did I? BioWeapon created 2005!TheFringeTheorist82Verified
1 year agoGoogle Doodle: Casimir Funk's 140th Birthday; Synthetic Poisons called Vitamins & Minerals(NurembergTrials.net)
1 month agoSNL aired it once before pulled. GE poisons the environment, and the fake news media corporations coFree Your Mind Videos
1 year agoForgiveness, get the poison out of your own hearts, ask God for help, a better worldGod Wins
6 months agoGood Scientists Are Being Censored & Eliminated for Telling the Truth! That Includes Dr. Robert O. YoungDrRobertYoung
4 months agoGood Scientists Are Being Censored & Eliminated for Telling the Truth!Biological Medicine
1 year agoCOVID HALL OF FAME: Distressed Nurse: "No Amount Of Money Can Make Me Inject Poisons Into A Baby!"Sunfellow On COVID-19
1 year agoGreen Tara Transmission: Invoking a Liberation from all Mental/Energetic PoisonsTransmissions/MeditationsVerified
7 months agoBil Gates poisons food production with spraying aluminium from the planes.maciejPLwroclaw
3 years agoPortugal: 6-Year-Old Boy Dies From Cardiac Arrest After Receiving First ‘Poison’RedpillBrayo
1 year agoMoms across America tested new children’s cereal and found huge list of poisons! (See Description)chinlee