Hierarchy Children Do Not Have an Easy Life, They Have To Take Part in Sex Magick and are Trained to Do Things in the Luciferian Brotherhood (including Murder) + Gloria Vanderbilt Showed Jessie How to Drown a Baby, Took In Its Last Breath
Effects of Adrenochrome, Youthfulness, Energy + Daily User Ellen + Jessie's Training Partner, Michael Karcok, Michael Aquino & John Brennan + Rage, Evil Thoughts
Jessie Ruined a Satanic Ritual and Was Thrown into the Catacombs As Punishment + Saw a Man On Fire, Realised it Was Jesus, Who Got Her Out. Jessie Asked Jesus To Get Them All Out
Jessie and Her Training Partner's Ritual Names, Sunshine and Moonlight + Prophetic Book + April 24, 2020 Came & Went, The Ritual Didn't Take Place As Planned + Cathy Fox
Jessie's Now Being Listened to, Unlike in her Childhood + God's Protection, Our Only Real Protections are the Bible, Praying, Pleading the Blood of Jesus, His Powerful Name + Singing
Recap of the End-Time Ritual Prep + Eyes On Jessie and Her Training Partner (Lucien Greaves) for 72 Hours, Ritual Intended for April 24, 2020 + The Lord Told Jessie To Take Her Position and Put It All Under Jesus' Feet