COVID-19 Vaccines | "The Pfizer Vaccine Is Contaminated In With Plasma DNA, It's Not Just mRNA, It's Got Bits of DNA In It." - Doctor Phillip Buckhaults (Cancer Genomic Expert) | "The SV40 (Cancer Causing Genes) Sequence Should No
David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger & Klaus Schwab | David Rockefeller Explains How He Recruited Henry Kissinger + Jan. 17th 2017 Trump Sworn In As President As China's President Xi Jinping Delivered New World Order Speech With Kissinger & Sch
CBDC | "CBDC Is Likely to Get Implemented Pretty Much Every Country Around the World." - James Wallis (Ripple VP, Bank Engagements & CBDCs) | The Great Reset Attack On Our Wealth, Health & The TRUTH with Doctor Sherwood
Tucker Carlson & Alex Jones | "Can Someone Open This? Look At That It Doesn't Come Like This In Stores. This Whiskey Does Not Come With a Hatchet to Open It Or a Black Light. But If You Have a Black Light?." - Tucker Carlson
Transhumanism | The Transhumanism & Agenda 2030 Vision Explained | Black Mirror, Brave New World & Upload with Investigative Journalist Amber May | Is There A Connection Between the Agendas of Elon Musk & Yuval Noah Harari?
Yuval Noah Harari | "The Very Big Revolution Which Is Coming Very Quickly, Will Be When the AI Revolution Meets & Merges With the Biotech Revolution & Goes Under the Skin." China / Russia Team Up, False Prophet Shows & Euphrates Drie
Petrodollar | BREAKING!!! November 30th 2023 | Petrodollar Slow Death Continues As The (UAE) United Arab Emirates Ditches Dollar In Its Oil Transactions + Saudi Arabia Has Made a Deal to Trade Oil With Chinese Yuan With China
COVID Vaccines | "I Have Patients Who Have Clearly Relapsed (With Melanoma) Following the Booster Vaccine." - Professor Angus Dalgleish | Consultant Medical Oncologist
The Bible | How to Read THE BIBLE 101 With Aaron Antis + Is the Chinese Communist Party Updating the Bible With Socialist Values? "Just Think About a Religion Whose Holy Book (Bible) Was Written By An A.I.?" - Yuval Noah Harari