BORDER & PARASITES | What can People do to Protect Themselves? - Scott McKay; New Moon, Full Moon, and Super Moon are Upon Us... - Dr. Jason Dean | FOC Show
MEAT & INFLATION | Food Prices are Crazy High Now... BUT They Will Soon Go A Lot Higher - Jason Nelson; Would you do These Pranks? - Cliff Gephart; Economic Update - FOC Show
FOC Show: The Absurdity of It All: You Just Can't Make This Stuff Up - Breanna Morello; PRO-TIPS for How to Avoid Eating mRNA-Filled Meat - Jason Nelson
FOC Show: Proof - Asbury Revival; Fox News Responding to Vax Mandates; Don Lemmon Removed from CNN? - Breanna Morello; The fish are dead, but the water is fine! - Dr. Jason Dean