5 months ago[p5] Clement Did NOT Predict Donald Trump's Presidency | 10-13-24Creation Liberty Evangelism
4 months ago[p9] Clement Prophesied All Queers in LA Would Be Saved in March of 2002 | 11-10-24Creation Liberty Evangelism
4 months ago[p10] Clement Prophesied Stephen King Became Christian Author in 2006 | 11-17-24Creation Liberty Evangelism
3 months ago[p12] Clement Prophesied Hillary Clinton Would Lead the Christian Church | 12-1-24Creation Liberty Evangelism
3 months ago[p14] Clement is a False Prophet by His Own Standards | 12-15-24Creation Liberty Evangelism
2 months ago[p2] A Literal Interpretation of Isaiah 40:22 is Insane | 12-29-24Creation Liberty Evangelism
2 months ago[p3] The 'Ends of the Earth' is Not the Entire Planet | 1-5-25Creation Liberty Evangelism
2 months ago[p1] Flat-Earthers Often Cherry-Pick Scripture Out of Context | 12-22-24Creation Liberty Evangelism
1 year ago[p2] The "Go to Church" Narrative is a Money-Making Scheme | 8-27-23Creation Liberty Evangelism
6 months ago[p1] Kim Clement's "Ministry" Only Cares About Money | 9-15-24Creation Liberty Evangelism
1 year ago[p3] Adventist Men and Women Kissing on the Lips for "Holiness" | 9-17-23Creation Liberty Evangelism
1 year ago[p4] Early Adventists Were a Plague on Their Communities | 9-24-23Creation Liberty Evangelism