R&B Monthly Seminar: "Secret Origins of Christianity" (Episode #2 -- Monday, August 22nd, 2022/Av 26th, 5782) Chair: Rabbi Avraham Feld. Guest: Former Christian Pastor Baruch
University of South Alabama: A Fairly Quiet Day Of Preaching the Gospel, Encouraging A Sincere Christian And Speaking with A Professing Christian, Warning the Students About the Antichrist Donald Trump and The Approaching 7 Year Tribulation
Louisiana State University: "Christians" Defend Their Sin, Skeptics Attack the Bible, I Preach the Gospel of Jesus and The Apathy of the Students Shatters!
SUNY Oneonta: Police Try To Intimidate Me, I Stand My Ground, Bella Joins Me Preaching & Invites Her Boyfriend and Other Christian Students, Soon Large Crowd Forms, Revival Seems to Be About to Break Out, Then Hypocrite Jezebel Ruins Everything
R&B Monthly Seminar: "Secret Origins of Christianity" (Episode #1 -- Monday, June 13th, 2022/Sivan 15, 5782) Chair: Rabbi Avraham Feld. Guest: Former Christian Pastor Baruch