Business Podcast | "The Fish Don't Just Jump In the Boat. You Better Go Out There & Do It Yourself. Go Do Some Work." - Tom Brady + Interview with Best-Selling Author Jon Gordan On How to Create Traction In Your Life
Yuval Noah Harari | "We Are Shifting from an Organic to an Inorganic World. Think About the Politician You Most Hate In the World & Ask Yourself, What Would They Do With the Technology That I'm Developing Right Now?" - Yuval
Business | Networking | Why Is Your Network Your Net Worth? Why You Will Do Idiot Things If You Surround Yourself with Idiots? “He That Walketh With the Wise Men Shall Be Wise: But a Companion of Fools Shall Be Destroyed." - Proverbs 13:20
The Michelle Moore Show: Guests, Jack & Margy Flynn 'Income Tax Is Voluntary: If You Want to Stop Paying Taxes, Here's How to Do it Lawfully' (Jan 23, 2024)