2 years agoAre Local Police and the Media Trying to Edit the Facts of the Paul Pelosi Hammer Incident?Dinesh D'SouzaVerified
4 years agoPelosi Goes CRAZY, Backs Biden's Plan for Transgenders In Bathrooms and SportsDinesh D'SouzaVerified
2 years agoPelosi Gets SHREDDED For Overseeing 60 Million Abortions Throughout Her CareerDinesh D'SouzaVerified
3 years agoGOP Rep: This was an insane, crazy power grab by Nancy PelosiThe Wayne Dupree PodcastVerified
2 years agoPelosi Says The UNTHINKABLE About Parents Who Teach Their Kids Gun SafetyDinesh D'SouzaVerified
2 years agoFLASHBACK Exposes Pelosi, Shows She's Very Aware What A Recession IsDinesh D'SouzaVerified
4 months agoLEFT EATS LEFT: Nancy Pelosi says Biden should have ‘gotten out’ of race soonerRaging Patriot NewsVerified
2 years ago"This Is My Moment. I’ve Been Waiting For This.": Pelosi Woke Up And Chose Violence Towards Trump On Jan. 6Dinesh D'SouzaVerified
2 years agoCrazy Weekend Wrap Up: Aaron Carter DEAD at 34! Trump Takes Shot At Governor Ron DeSantis, NASCAR Father Died Suddenly at age 49Stew Peters NetworkVerified
2 years agoWhoopi Goldberg Is TRIGGERED After Pelosi Gets Denied Holy CommunionDinesh D'SouzaVerified