DIVOC: The Digital Infrastructure for Verifiable Open Credentialing or DIVOC is an open-source platform that enables countries to digitally orchestrate large-scale health campaigns such as vaccination and certification programs.
NASA EDGE nano Game Changing Development (GCD) Program Office is exploring nanotechnology. GCD Program Manager, Steve Gaddis, and his team highlight how this technology is being used in sensors and various materials.
Vaccines | "With the Rise of Brain-Computer Interfaces And Biometric Sensors, It Is Very Likely That People Will Literally Be a Part of a Network. All of the Bodies, All of the Brains Would Be Connected to A Network." - Yuval Noah Harari
CRISPR used to build dual-core computers inside human cells (2019) - ETH Zurich - Exploring Biodigital Convergence Policy Horizons Canada - Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation: IT'S ALL CONNECTED!
A.I. Generating Dreams & Turning Wi-Fi Routers Into Cameras to See Through Walls - Using THZ to sense objects in the real world "The Network As The Sensor Connecting Human & Digital Worlds" 2024 NOKIA BELL LABS 6G