1. They sold us 10 Billion counterfeit AMC shares and now want to buy back only 1 Billion

    They sold us 10 Billion counterfeit AMC shares and now want to buy back only 1 Billion

  2. 11,000,000 counterfeit AMC shares shorted 50 days on threshold list 90% discount and can’t cover

    11,000,000 counterfeit AMC shares shorted 50 days on threshold list 90% discount and can’t cover

  3. Hedgies admitting to the billions of counterfeit AMC shares How can retail buying crash market?

    Hedgies admitting to the billions of counterfeit AMC shares How can retail buying crash market?

  4. Warren Buffet Berkshire reports $35.9B in profit with no counterfeit shares sold not yet purchased

    Warren Buffet Berkshire reports $35.9B in profit with no counterfeit shares sold not yet purchased

  5. Shills want to justify unlimited counterfeit AMC shares by claiming reduced trading costs AMC MOASS

    Shills want to justify unlimited counterfeit AMC shares by claiming reduced trading costs AMC MOASS

  6. Are the shorters going to have to cover Billions of counterfeit AMC shares and send AMC to the moon?

    Are the shorters going to have to cover Billions of counterfeit AMC shares and send AMC to the moon?

  7. 0 counterfeit AMC shares available to short CTB going up Hedgies under pressure

    0 counterfeit AMC shares available to short CTB going up Hedgies under pressure

  8. This is why APE is trading at 97 cents Billions of counterfeit APE shares

    This is why APE is trading at 97 cents Billions of counterfeit APE shares

  9. Millions of Infinite Counterfeit AMC APE shares already in play

    Millions of Infinite Counterfeit AMC APE shares already in play

  10. AMC counterfeit FTDs parked in Brazil allegedly paying 578.25% dividend Impossible

    AMC counterfeit FTDs parked in Brazil allegedly paying 578.25% dividend Impossible

  11. AMC CTB 974% only 50,000 counterfeit AMC shares available to short yet 14,000,000,000 were shorted

    AMC CTB 974% only 50,000 counterfeit AMC shares available to short yet 14,000,000,000 were shorted

  12. Qtrade Canada reporting 51 Billion counterfeit AMC shares outstanding

    Qtrade Canada reporting 51 Billion counterfeit AMC shares outstanding

  13. 2,000,000 counterfeit AMC shares already in play to illegally manipulate the price 11/1

    2,000,000 counterfeit AMC shares already in play to illegally manipulate the price 11/1

  14. Confirmed! 25000 Counterfeit Ballots included in AZ Audit Count

    Confirmed! 25000 Counterfeit Ballots included in AZ Audit Count

  15. They found a new way to fabricate the counterfeit AMC Shares Where is the SEC?

    They found a new way to fabricate the counterfeit AMC Shares Where is the SEC?

  16. Gary Wayne - The Nephilim Faery & Dragon royal bloodlines and the counterfeit spirit

    Gary Wayne - The Nephilim Faery & Dragon royal bloodlines and the counterfeit spirit

  17. Synthetic AMC shares are counterfeit AMC shares And SEC knows it and does nothing

    Synthetic AMC shares are counterfeit AMC shares And SEC knows it and does nothing

  18. Where else can you sell counterfeit items with no consequences?

    Where else can you sell counterfeit items with no consequences?

  19. Millions of counterfeit AMC shares not enough to keep price down that’s why dark pool is over 75%

    Millions of counterfeit AMC shares not enough to keep price down that’s why dark pool is over 75%

  20. AMC CTB 3.6% volume 23M counterfeit AMC shares shorted to illegally manipulate the price 9.5M

    AMC CTB 3.6% volume 23M counterfeit AMC shares shorted to illegally manipulate the price 9.5M

  21. AMC Crime report 8/17 38 days on threshold list 36M counterfeit shares shorted CTB max 1000%

    AMC Crime report 8/17 38 days on threshold list 36M counterfeit shares shorted CTB max 1000%

  22. 10,000 counterfeit AMC shares available to short reported cost to borrow 148% Will AMC be green?

    10,000 counterfeit AMC shares available to short reported cost to borrow 148% Will AMC be green?

  23. SEC has resources to control company names but no resources to control Counterfeit AMC shares

    SEC has resources to control company names but no resources to control Counterfeit AMC shares

  24. Dutsche Bank controlled DWS fined $25M for misstatements but no fines for counterfeit AMC shares?

    Dutsche Bank controlled DWS fined $25M for misstatements but no fines for counterfeit AMC shares?

  25. Billions of counterfeit shares so it’s mathematically impossible for short interest to be only 24%

    Billions of counterfeit shares so it’s mathematically impossible for short interest to be only 24%