COVID-19 Shots | Are Parasites In the COVID-19 Shots? Can They Cause 4-Foot Long Blood Clots? What Can You Do If You’ve Taken the COVID-19 Shots? Is mRNA Technology In the Flu Shots? + Planet Lockdown Producer James Patrick On CBDCs and The Great Reset
Yuval Noah Harari | Lead Klaus Schwab Advisor "Now With the Big Revolution of A.I. Suddenly You Don't Need All These KGB Agents to Write All These Paper Reports You Just Have Machines Going Over All of the Data."
What Are Bail-Ins? | “FDIC Is the Organization That Backs All Deposits Held at Banks In United States, To Which There Is Over $9 Trillion In Deposits, Being Backed By A Few Hundred Billion In Assets.” - Andy Schectman (8/15/24)