2 years agoPreorder & cover updates ~ LURKING IN THE DARK HorrorTube Anthology + my werewolf horror short storyAMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
5 months agoLisa Marie Presley Reveals in Posthumous Memoir She Experienced ‘Withdrawal in the Big Leagues’Star Celebrity Gossips
2 years agoJuly WRAP-UP & August TBR (19 books) + Camp Spoopathon TBR & guest sprint + Point Horror Book ClubAMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
2 years agoMY FIRST READING VLOG ~ inc. NYA Lit Fest + holiday vlog (vampires, cults, Point Horror, thrillers)AMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
2 years agoCARMILLA IN WHITBY ~ Gothic reading vlog + bookshop signing ~ reading the book that inspired DraculaAMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
1 year agoMAY TBR ~ 8 must read books for me this month inc. the #YABookClub2023 read GOOD GIRLS DIE FIRSTAMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
2 years agoMID YEAR BOOK FREAK OUT TAG + my short story BAD MOON RISING update (Lurking in the Dark anthology)AMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
6 years agoGekyume | Before They Were Born | Xxxtentacion Posthumous Child with Jenesis SanchezBeforeTheyWereFamous
5 years agoLiteratura , Redes Sociais Dicas: BookTuber´s. Canais de Audiolivros e o Face #9 Virando as PáginasViraspag
1 year agoTalk with an Author/Booktuber: Andrew Watson (Author of "Harbinger of Justice") #booktubeBeard of Darkness Book Reviews
1 year agoBOOK & MERCH HAUL + *Signed Giveaway* ~ inc. Horror, Stationery, Stephen King, Dracula, Cults, WitchAMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
2 years agoSome favourite SHORT STORY ANTHOLOGY reads (11 book recs) horror spooky vampire ~ my favorite & TBRAMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
1 year agoAUGUST WRAP UP ~ 10 books - inc. Point Horror, adult & YA horror, ARC's, Jamie Lee Curtis comicAMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
1 year agoBOOKS & MERCH HAUL + *Book Giveaway* ~ Trick or Treat Sam LoungeFly, BeetleJuice, Horror, AutumnCrowAMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
2 years agoDECEMBER HAUL & BOOK GIVEAWAY (Jay Kristoff) ~ 250+ Buffy books, Vampire Diaries, Junji Ito & merchAMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
1 year agoBOOKS CLOTHING JEWELLERY & MERCH HAUL + *Book Giveaway* ~ + Stephen King Halloween Horror Nancy DrewAMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
1 year agoMy SUMMER READS (9 book recommendations) Adult & YA horror thrillers vampires Stephen King #booktubeAMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
1 year agoSEPTEMBER TBR (11 books) fall halloween spooky season inc. ghosts vampires zombies & #YABookClub2023AMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
2 years agoNOVEMBER TBR + Evilathon & Nostalgic November readathon TBRs (Evil a thon)AMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
2 years agoJANUARY WRAP UP (8 books) + my book club's first month ~ we read Frozen Charlotte #YABookClub2023AMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube