One-World-Religion NOW Being Prepared! + Quantum Timelines (Personal and/or Individual, Collective, and the Merging of Timelines), Human Origins, and “Armageddon” (The Final Battle). | Gregg Braden
RFK Jr. Address the Nation on the Anniversary of President JFK's Peace Speech. This is the "Peace and Diplomacy" Speech (6/20/23) — Officially Begins at 50:00, and RFK Jr. Enters at the 1 Hour Mark!
Timeline Theories: Frank Jacob on Journey to Truth Podcast EP 259 — Goes Off the Rails Around the 30 Min Mark, Starts to Make Some Good Sense at the 1 Hour Mark. | Note: The Only Timeline That Affects You is Yours, and Those of Others Whom You Allow to!
2025, US aerospace forces can own the weather by capitalizing on emerging technologies and focusing development of those technologies to war fighting applications. #DontLookUp