1 year agoKo Vlada RS nekaj uredi, izplavajo fekalije! Kaj vse je izplavalo v #letuš, pa danes ob 20:00!StopLaznivimMedijem
10 days agoRAČUNALNIŠKA IGRICA - NAJVEČJA PREVARA SODBNEGA SVETA - Mag. Mihael Bellis (193. Zoom Društvo Belis)bellism
3 days agoSenate and House Joint Hearing on Legislative Presentation of Disabled American Veterans & VSOsThe Union Herald
2 days agoSenate and House Joint Hearing on Legislative Presentation of The American Legion & Multi VSOsThe Union Herald
1 year agoHouse Committee On Veterans' Affairs: Joint House and Senate VSO Hearing: VFW & Multi VSOs - March 8, 2023R.C. Davis
7 months agoZ Přelouče prý děkovali a vše funguje ale prý to tak není říká vedoucí stavebního odboruZapravdu
4 months agoMichal Janda o tom, jak se pracuje s "vědeckými daty", aby se ovčanům dalo namluvit vše.Petr Bureš TV
2 years agoSearch warrants following narcotics investigations in DeLand and Deltona resulted in 6 arrestsThisIsButter
3 years agoNEW VERSION Multiple Body Cam. Police Chase. Man Stole 2 Police Vehicle. Volusia Sheriff May 6-2021Video Leak Police