2 years agoIn quran, Allah said woman are half brain, see how she defends islam and allah,ahmed exmuslimtrustinhim10
1 year agoMohammed dont want people to go to hell fire - shafi and Exmuslim Ahmad, adam seekertrustinhim10
1 year agoHow allah comes down from 7 heaven to lowest heaven? Exmuslim Ahmad and Somalian muslim Aqlitrustinhim10
1 year agoNora began mistreating exmuslim and see what happens at the end - exmuslim ahmadtrustinhim10
2 years agoMohammed prophecy and coming of isa and where isa going to land - Christian prince explainstrustinhim10
1 year agoHow long does it take for Jibril to bring one ayah from ALLAH ? ahmad exmuslim explanstrustinhim10
1 year agoAllah created Adam in his own image 60 cubic tall when allah himself 30 feet tall - Exmuslim Ahmadtrustinhim10
1 year agoIndian Muslim Said he follow islam because parent said so & cane to defend islam - exmuslim ahmadtrustinhim10
1 year agoAthiest is better than christian in this world - hot debate exmuslim ahmad and arabic - part 1trustinhim10
2 years agoWhy allah dont have left hand , see how many muslims trying to defend allah - Exmuslim ahmadtrustinhim10
2 years agoMuslim worship 2 god, one on sky another one on earth - exmuslim Ahmad vs abdooltrustinhim10
2 years agoMohammed said,allah will come down everyday to the lowest heaven- Exmuslim Ahmad , abdooltrustinhim10