7 days agoCute Precious Piper Watches From a Warm Spot - Adopting a Cat from a Shelter Vlog #shortstubewatch1
4 days agoCute Precious Piper Finds a Tasty Box - Adopting a Cat from a Shelter Vlog #shortstubewatch1
10 days agoPrecious Piper Goes from a Round Loaf to a Regular One - Adopting a Cat from a Shelter Vlog #shortstubewatch1
24 days agoCute Precious Piper Keeps An Eye on Office Activities - Adopting a Cat from a Shelter Vlogtubewatch1
5 days agoCute Precious Piper is a Loaf Traffic Cone - Adopting a Cat from a Shelter Vlog #shortstubewatch1
1 day agoCute Precious Piper Leaves the Comfort of Her Tuffet - Adopting a Cat from a Shelter Vlog #shortstubewatch1
11 days agoCute Precious Piper is the Perfect Picture of a Cat - Adopting a Cat from a Shelter Vlogtubewatch1
11 days agoCute Precious Piper Finds a Bag on Her Chair - Adopting a Cat from a Shelter Vlog #shortstubewatch1
24 days agoCute Precious Piper is Sitting on a Torn Tuffet - Adopting a Cat from a Shelter Vlogtubewatch1
9 days agoPrecious Piper Holds Herself in Place While Relaxing - Adopting a Cat from a Shelter Vlog #shortstubewatch1
2 days agoCute Precious Piper Does a Thorough Office Inspection - Adopting a Cat from a Shelter Vlogtubewatch1
12 days agoCute Precious Piper Surveys Her Clean Office - Adopting a Cat from a Shelter Vlogtubewatch1
8 days agoCute Precious Piper Does More Office Isometric Exercise - Adopting a Cat from a Shelter Vlog #shortstubewatch1
11 days agoCute Precious Piper Watches the Lobby - Adopting a Cat from a Shelter Vlog #sshortstubewatch1
21 days agoCute Precious Piper Does Security for Her Own Belongings - Adopting a Cat from a Shelter Vlogtubewatch1
27 days agoCute Precious Piper Fixes Her Makeup in the Office - Adopting a Cat from a Shelter Vlogtubewatch1
9 days agoCute Precious Piper Demonstrates Her Isometric Exercise - Adopting a Cat from a Shelter Vlogtubewatch1