2 years agoProfessor Nikolai Petrovsky - Covid vaccines are experimental gene therapies - Greek Subsellispondos
3 years agoProfessor of Medicine and Vaccine developer gives scientific reasoning against mandates.theadelaideset
3 years agoMass Effect Legendary Edition - Is Gen Oleg Petrovsky better than Aria? ME3 Omega DLC [PC 1080p HD]LEVEL51
2 years agoProfessor Nikolai Petrosvky - TGA Has Granted Provisional Determination for COVAX-19ZeeeMediaVerified
3 years agoHow did we get here? One Doctor's View On Shocking Covid-19 Issues In AustraliaTrialSiteNews
3 years agoHow did we get here? One Doctor's View On Shocking Covid-19 Issues In AustraliaTrialSiteNews
3 years agoMaria Zeee & Professor Nikolai Petrovsky - The current MRNA COVID-19 vaccines are not safe or effectiveZeeeMediaVerified
3 years agoNikolai Petrovsky, sviluppatore di vaccini: Non ho fiducia in ciò che è accadutoIl Profeta Dei Complottisti
1 year ago1) Back-catalog - FAA Public Forum with Nikolai Petrovsky 10 December 2021FreedomActionAllianceVerified