2 years agoHome remedies for open pores | open pores का घरेलू इलाज #drminakshisinghDr. Minakshi singh
2 years agohomeopathic medicine for hyperhydrosis (1)Silicea1M once in a week (2)R32 15drop tdsDr. Minakshi singh
2 years agohyperhydrosis|| अधिक पसीना आना || हाथ पैर पसीने से गीले रहना||hyperhidrosis treatment at homeDr. Minakshi singh
2 years agoHypothyroidism ki best homeopathic medicine #drminakshihomeopathicconsultantDr. Minakshi singh
2 years agoWhat is the main cause of #hemorrhoids? and its treatment. #बवासीर #drminakshisingh #homeopathyDr. Minakshi singh
2 years agoinsomnia || अनिद्रा को पहचाने || best homeopathic medicine for insomnia #insomnia #नींद ना आनाDr. Minakshi singh
2 years agoAnal fissure - Symptoms and causes - Prevention and homeopathic Treatment #fissure #drminakshisinghDr. Minakshi singh
2 years agoWhat causes Measles? And treatment. #measles #drminakshisingh #homeopathy #treatmentDr. Minakshi singh
2 years agohomeopathic medicine during pregnancy | Lactation #pregnancy #drminakshisinghDr. Minakshi singh
2 years agoyohimbinum|नपुंशक्तता|नशों की कमजोरी|टाइमिंग की सबसे अच्छी होम्योपैथिक दवाDr. Minakshi singh
2 years agodysmenorrhoea ,Menstrual crampsअब और नहीं #periodpain #dysmenorrhoeahomeopathicmedicine #periodcrampDr. Minakshi singh
2 years agoIrritable bowel syndrome - Symptoms and causes| Prevention and homoeopathic treatmentDr. Minakshi singh
1 year agoPowers and procedure of Revenue Officers under the Karnataka Land Revenue Act | Minakshi Goswamiminakshilawclasses
1 year agoCRIMINAL LAW 1 Indian Penal Code online live coaching class for LL.B. students KSLU KLEminakshilawclasses
2 years agolemon water kise nahi peena chahiye?? #drminakshisingh #ytshorts #healthDr. Minakshi singh
2 years agohomeopathic medicine for prostitis SEBAL SERRULATA Q #drminakshisingh #ytshorts #healthDr. Minakshi singh
2 years ago#drminakshisingh cracked Lips #shorts होंठ crack होने से कैसे रोके #healthfitnessDr. Minakshi singh