1 month ago(VTUBER) - Japanese Idol Simulator - Yakuza 5 First Playthrough #12 - RUMBLEConfusedCoast VTUBER
1 month ago(VTUBER) - Road to becoming the Elden Lord + New Merch - Elden Ring #5 - RUMBLEConfusedCoast VTUBER
2 months ago(VTUBER) - Finishing the Season this Month - Nascar Heat Evolution - RUMBLEConfusedCoast VTUBER
1 month ago(VTUBER) - Racing for VAGICOAST Glory - Nascar Heat Evolution - RUMBLEConfusedCoast VTUBER
1 month ago(VTUBER) - Lets Go Bear Hunting - Yakuza 5 First Playthrough #9 - RUMBLEConfusedCoast VTUBER
1 month ago(VTUBER) - Sajimas Side Storys - Yakuza 5 First Playthrough #11 - RUMBLEConfusedCoast VTUBER
1 month ago(VTUBER) - Going for the 4 Player Achievement in PreSequel tonight - RUMBLEConfusedCoast VTUBER
1 month ago(VTUBER) - INTERmission DLC Part 2 - FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE #14 - RUMBLEConfusedCoast VTUBER
1 month ago(VTUBER) - Finishing the Main DR2 Trilogy - Dead Rising 2: Case West - RUMBLEConfusedCoast VTUBER
1 month ago(VTUBER) - Finishing Hunting Side Story - Yakuza 5 First Playthrough #10 - RUMBLEConfusedCoast VTUBER
1 month ago(VTUBER) - Starting INTERmission DLC - FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE #13 - RUMBLEConfusedCoast VTUBER
8 months ago(VTUBER) - Trying to be a Vtuber Parent - Whos your Daddy with @Zaytris and Dirty - RUMBLEConfusedCoast VTUBER
7 months ago(VTUBER) - NASCAR VTUBER tries to win a Race - Nascar Heat Evolution - RUMBLEConfusedCoast VTUBER
7 months ago(VTUBER) - Trying to get a win before the end of the Season - Nascar Heat Evolution - RUMBLEConfusedCoast VTUBER
5 months ago(VTUBER) - Nascar Heat Evolution brought to you by VAGICOAST - RUMBLEConfusedCoast VTUBER
3 months ago(VTUBER) - Gonna try and beat sewer monster this time - Star Wars Shadows of the Empire - RUMBLEConfusedCoast VTUBER
2 months ago(VTUBER) - Finish Kiryu Chapters today? - Yakuza 5 First Playthrough #6 - RUMBLEConfusedCoast VTUBER