2 years ago🦊 Ajax is mad she nicked some ropey thing took back to bury with her fave cub in the #foxy play areaAjaxtheurbanfox
2 years ago🦊Ajax the friendly urban fox comes early to our back door tonight and plays with meAjaxtheurbanfox
2 years ago🦊WINTER IS COMING - Urban #Fox Ajax and her daughter face winter alone - a look back at their yearAjaxtheurbanfox
2 years ago🦊Ajax the urban fox makes an early morning visit to the back door to say hello!Ajaxtheurbanfox
2 years ago🦊 There is only one Ajax Queen of her foxy London urban domain - long may she reign.Ajaxtheurbanfox
3 years agoFIGHT CLUB: King of the Streets: 66 "Emilanko" Wisemen Hooligan 𝕳 VS "Roddy" Ajax Hooligan 𝕳KING OF THE STREETS
2 years ago🦊Urban London Fox Cub Sibling Rivalry - fighting over food at-night - Amazon RING LIVESTREAMAjaxtheurbanfox
2 years ago🦊 Urban fox cub Ajax captured on Amazon Ring Doorbell @ our back door - LIVESTREAMAjaxtheurbanfox
8 months agoPrecious/Pumken/King B/Dixon/Eric Wayne discuss AJay diagnosis n more 7/9/24 #bigoclipandsipBIGO CLIP AND SIP
1 year agoJai Shree Ram | Ayodhya Ram Mandir Song 2024 | हर रंग में राम, हर घर में राम । जय श्री रामmehulvvvyas
2 years agoAjax our lovely London urban#fox is back and has had her fill of raw #chicken from our tableAjaxtheurbanfox
2 years ago🦊 LIVE STREAM Now there are 2! 3-week old urban fox cubs playing with mum & each other - Amazon RingAjaxtheurbanfox
2 years ago🦊 Ajax the friendly urban fox is patiently waiting outside the back door waiting for chicken #SHORTSAjaxtheurbanfox
2 years ago🦊Up close and personal with our lovely urban #fox Ajax at dusk - lovely summer fur ! Wild woman !Ajaxtheurbanfox
2 years ago🦊One Night One Bowl - vixen & her 4 cute fox cubs + a variety of birds all caught on Amazon RingAjaxtheurbanfox