University of Tennessee at Knoxville: Several Great Conversations w/ Atheists, Skeptics & Christians, One Sinner Dumps Ranch Dressing All Over Me, A Muslim Threatens to Murder Me, The Gospel of Jesus Christ Goes Forth!
University of Arkansas: Great Conversations, Civil Dialogue, Calm Crowd, Later In The Day A Larger Crowd Forms, A Trans Spouts Nonsense, Jesus Christ Exalted
Univ of North Texas: Even in The Rain & Wind, Gospel Preaching Draws A Crowd, Dealing with Sexual Perverts, Agnostics, Skeptics and Hypocrites, Jesus Christ Exalted
University of Texas, San Antonio: Atheist Contending With Me Helps Me Draw A Small Crowd, Great Questions, Sober Students, A Wonderful Day of Exalting Jesus Christ
University of Tennessee Chattanooga: Dealing w/ Mockers, 1 Female Atheist Invites Discussion, Two Pagan Bisexuals Have A Lengthy Discussion, Jesus Christ Is Exalted!
Oregon State University: Lesbians Kissing, Catholics Railing, Students Booing -- What Began As 40-50 Students Mushroomed Into A Crowd of 200 Students As The Gospel of Jesus Christ Was Preached
Univ of Nevada, Reno: Another Massive Crowd, Homosexuals & Skeptics Join Forces With Catholics and Hypocrites As They Reject the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Re-Upload: As The Anti-Christ Prepares To Ascend To His White House Throne, A Multi-Media Presentation To Warn The Wicked and Prepare The Saints: Trump vs The 144,000