You'll NEVER Manifest the TRUE Story of 9/11 Officially, as You've Chosen Storylines with the Least Cognitive Dissonance. THEN THERE'S TRUMP—Man Under Q White Hat Contract. Q: "Israel is Last" = You Need Know NO Truth of This!
New Yorkers Praise President Trump Right in Front of Biden and Harris at 9/11 Memorial! + Sleepy-Joe Too Sleepy to Realize He Put on a MAGA Hat or is This Just Lost Humor?
Ya Try to do the Right Thing Only to Ultimately Get Caught Up in White Hat Drama, and You Gotta ask Yourself ‘Was it Worth it?’! The White Hats Had Other Plans.. So Let Them! And You Live Your Best Life!! | Trump Responds to Sidney Powell's Plea
So, The White Hats are The Illuminati without the Child Sacrifice — Big Whoop.. Your Life isn't Going to Change, You'll Still Be Taxed When TAXATION IS THEFT, and the World isn't Going to 5D/New Earth This Way! | Jean Nolan, INSPIRED.
Alex Collier with Major News/Heads Up: White Hat Military Worldwide About to Step in! (11/19/22) [ Pure Rumor and the Ultimate Hopeum Until it isn’t—OPINION ONLYYYYY!!! ]
I Must ASSUME the Only Difference Between the Illuminati and the White Hats is That the White Hats Don't Contract Souls in Blood Signature............... They Might as Well! What's the Difference? Don Stuck Under [Contract] #OldAgeOfPiscesRules