Elon Musk | Who Is Iain Banks? | "I Would Recommend That People Read Iain Banks. The Banks Culture Books Are The Best Envisioning of an AI Future. I Would Really Recommend Banks. I'm a Really Big Fan." - Elon Musk
Zeee media, Alex CIA Jones, Health Ranger, HOPEGIRL, Jane Rubinstine, And All The FRAUDS Selling Product During War Times! We See Right Through You FRAUD GRIFTERS And We're Comming For Your Viewers! MAY THE BEST MAN WIN!
Elon Musk | "Best Case Scenario, We Effectively Merge With AI. You Will Be Essentially Snap-Shotted Into a Computer At Any Time. If Your Biological Self Dies You Could Upload Into a New Unit, Literally." - 9/7/2018
Decentralize.TV - Episode 36, March 20, 2024 – Todd Pitner and Mike Adams cover the best revelations (so far) from the Decentralize TV interviews: Crypto, privacy, AI tech, de-dollarization and more