3 years agoGive more than you receive | Br. Muath from Chicago - Mexico | People are trees with roots #SelflessEndGameIslam
3 years agoSnapshot perception crisis | Disconnected | Spiritual void | 3 areas | Islam has the Answer #TruthEndGameIslam
3 years agoWhy change the inside first? Short hijra | 4 R’s | Rewire Re-design Re-connect Re-wild | #MindSetEndGameIslam
3 years agoAl-Asr | Al-Fatiha | All in loss except the believers guided on Siraat-al-Mustaqeem | #ContemplateEndGameIslam
3 years agoEasier to appeal to non-muslims?? | Islam does not need us! We need Islam!! | #ChangeTheHeartEndGameIslam