Klaus Schwab | The CHINESE Model Is a Very Attractive Model for a Quite a Number of Countries & Many of the Things That I Talk About and People In the West React with Apprehension and Fear In CHINA the Reaction
Yuval Noah Harari | The People's Voice | "What Do We Need Humans For? Keep Them Busy with Drugs and Video Games. What to Do With All of These Useless People"
Yuval Noah Harari | Climate Change & One World Religion | Returning to Mt. Sinai to Introduce Ten Universal Commandments | "In the 10 Commandments You Have an Endorsement of Slavery," "A World with Completely Different Laws,"
Yuval Noah Harari | China | "Many of the Things I Talk About and People In the West React with Fear, In China the Reaction to Exactly the Same Topics Is Excitement."
PCR Tests | "FAUCI Does Not Mind Going On Television and Lie Directly Into the Camera. With PCR If You Do It Well You Can Find Almost Anything In Anybody. So That Could Be Thought of As a Misuse of It. Just to Claim That It's Meaningful."
Kanye West | "I Started to Really Feel This Need to Express Myself On Another Level When Trump Was Running for Office and I Liked Him and Every Single Person In Hollywood Said That My Career and My Life Would Be Over"
CBDCs | “If It Snaps Into Place with an All Digital Financial System Including CBDCs They Will Convert Our Car and Our Communities Into Digital Concentration Camps. At That Point There Will Be No Hope” - Catherine Austin Fitts