CBDC | Why Are the Amazon And Walletmor Companies Pushing the Concept of Paying With Your Hand? What Does the Text Found In Revelation Chapter 13: 16-18 Say?
Yuval Noah Harari | Why Is the Hebrew-Speaking Man Celebrated By Obama, Zuckerberg & Gates Advocating for An AI-Written Bible? Are We Witnessing Revelation Chapter 13, 6 & 16? Will BRICS Introduce A New Currency In Aug? + Who Is Musk?
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Kash Patel | Will Kash Be Allowed to Expose the Epstein Island Client List? May God Grant Kash Patel the Spirit of Wisdom & Revelation In the Knowledge of Him (God). Eph 1:16-18 "I'm Praying for You Kash Patel." - Clay Clark
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The Great Reset | Look Up Intra-Body Networks And Molecular Communication, Transhumanism, The Internet of Bodies, Revelation Chapter 13: 16-18 | Klaus Schwab & Yuval Noah Harari's Entire Great Reset Agenda Explained In 5 Minutes & 51 Seconds
COVID-19 Shots | What Is the Purpose of the COVID-19 Shots? The ENTIRE Intra-Body-Nano-Network-Administered-Through-Vaccines Transhumanism-The-Internet-of-Bodies-Central-Bank-Digital-Currency-Transhumanism-Great-Reset-Agenda-Explained (In 21 Minutes)
Maui Fires | The Maui Fires Explained (A COMPLETE DEEP DIVE) Discover 19 The Police Chief? What's JUMPSmartMaui Project? What's Biden's Inflation Reduction Act About? Why Did Maui Not Allow Water to Combat the Fire?