4 months ago"WE DID NOT EXPECT THIS SO SOON..." - Mira of the Pleiadian High Council Covering All Events (10)SierraDelta
1 month agoPleiadians Shocking Warning for Starseeds about Coming 3 Days of Darkness | Ascension SoulsSierraDelta
1 month ago"Starseeds The Collective URGENTLY Needs You To Do This..." | The Pleiadians | VALIRSierraDelta
1 month agoThe Pleiadians - THE NEW MESSAGE~We are the ones who shield you from the Energies of the Outside 7SierraDelta
2 years agoControversial Video on Rumble link in description * We are in 4D ~ Elohim Earth Angels ~ Pleiadianwhitegoldeagle
27 days ago***A MUST WATCH FOR ALL STARSEEDS!*** Urgent message to Pleiadian Starseeds. CLIF HIGH, GENE DECODESGANON TEAM GLOBALVerified
1 month agoThe Calm Before The Storm. Prepare Yourself Emotionally For What is Around the Corner! Pleiadians 20SierraDelta
27 days ago***A MUST WATCH FOR ALL STARSEEDS!*** Urgent message to Pleiadian Starseeds. CLIF HIGH, GENE DECODEWHO IS JOHN GALTVerified
27 days ago***A MUST WATCH FOR ALL STARSEEDS!*** Urgent message to Pleiadian Starseeds. CLIF HIGH, GENE DECODEANDREW COBRA TATE REAL WORLDVerified
1 year agoShadow Govt, Walk In's, Pleadian Contact, Abductions, Anti Aging - Rich West, TSP #822Typical Skeptic Podcast
27 days ago***A MUST WATCH FOR ALL STARSEEDS!*** Urgent message to Pleiadian Starseeds. CLIF HIGH, GENE DECODETucker Carlson SGANONVerified
1 month agoThe Pleiadians Ashtar, You Are Getting Closer and Closer To The Event That has never happened beforeSierraDelta
1 year agoA Glowing UFO appears over Russia 🛸The UFO then created a square warp entrance and disappeared! 🛸whitegoldeagle
27 days ago***A MUST WATCH FOR ALL STARSEEDS!*** Urgent message to Pleiadian Starseeds. CLIF HIGH, GENE DECODESGANON JGANON DR STEVEN GREERVerified
1 year agoUFO Sighting 🛸 UAP 🛸 China ~ A person captures an unusual Luminous Object changes directionwhitegoldeagle
1 year agoPLEIADIAN Transmission 2024 * 12 Chakras * 12 DNA Strands * Solar Flares * SOLAR FLASHAlohaPinkBella888
1 month agoThe Pleiadians - "This Video May Shock You!" But are you ready for the truth when it finally breaks?SierraDelta
1 year agoUFO Sighting 🛸 Tourists Record Bright Light Objects Over The Bermuda Triangle Of A Cruise Recordedwhitegoldeagle