Dr. Rashid Buttar | Yuval Noah Harari | The Connection Between Climate Change & One World Religion | Returning to Mt. Sinai to Introduce Ten Universal Commandments | "A World with Completely Different Laws," & "Rebuild the Temple.&a
Antichrist | Anti-Christ-Anti-Human-Anti-Money-Anti-Meat-Anti-Nationalist-Law-Changing-Agenda!!! + What Yuval Noah Harari Book Does Emmanuel Macron Have In His Hands?
Climate Change SCAM | In 2005 Al Gore Shares His Mount Kilimanjaro Prediction | Al Gore Is Attending the World Economic Forum Conference In 2023 to Help Decide How Much More the World Must Suffer to Achieve "Net Zero Carbon Emissions."
Yuval Noah Harari | Climate Change & One World Religion | Returning to Mt. Sinai to Introduce 10 Universal Commandments | "A World with Completely Different Laws," & "We Will Rebuild the Temple"