2 years agohyperhydrosis|| अधिक पसीना आना || हाथ पैर पसीने से गीले रहना||hyperhidrosis treatment at homeDr. Minakshi singh
3 years agoWhat are the warning signs of a urinary tract infection? #uti, #urinarytractinfection, #DrMinakshiDr. Minakshi singh
2 years agoBurning sensation || कैसी भी जलन || causes & treatment #burningsensationDr. Minakshi singh
3 years agodysmenorrhoea ,Menstrual crampsअब और नहीं #periodpain #dysmenorrhoeahomeopathicmedicine #periodcrampDr. Minakshi singh
2 years agoDiabetes reason, prevention,home remedies and treatment। #diabetes #sugar #मधुमेहDr. Minakshi singh
2 years agoAsthma - Symptoms and causes - Prevention and homeopathic Treatment #asthma ma #drminakshisinghDr. Minakshi singh
2 years agoBurning sole and palm | हथेली और तलवों की जलन का सबसे अच्छा इलाज #burning sensation in arms and legsDr. Minakshi singh
2 years agoHypothyroidism ki best homeopathic medicine #drminakshihomeopathicconsultantDr. Minakshi singh
2 years agoMelasma (झाइयां) को जड़ से खत्म करे। #melasma #झाइयां,#homeopathy #melasmacream #melasmatreatmentDr. Minakshi singh
2 years agoUrticaria || पित्ती होने के कारण और उपचार || #शीतपित्त #urticaria #homeopathicDr. Minakshi singh
2 years agoProstate gland enlargement | प्रोस्टेट ग्रंथि का बढ़ना कारण और उपचार #homeopathy #प्रोस्टेटDr. Minakshi singh
2 years agoHome remedies for open pores | open pores का घरेलू इलाज #drminakshisinghDr. Minakshi singh
1 year agoDigital Image Processing- Basic Concepts Rectification and Registration by Ms. Minakshi Kumar_2IIRS Unofficial video
1 year agoPowers and procedure of Revenue Officers under the Karnataka Land Revenue Act | Minakshi Goswamiminakshilawclasses
2 years agoCRIMINAL LAW 1 Indian Penal Code online live coaching class for LL.B. students KSLU KLEminakshilawclasses