Wo With Bo (Part 9) | Bo Polny Bitcoin At $400? Why Did Michigan's Whitmer Ban Buying Paint & Seeds to Stop the Coronavirus? Is the U.S. Gov Attempting to Destroy the U.S. Economic System Through Hyperinflation to Stop Inflation? Ice Is Back?!
Hollywood | What Is the Purpose of Hollywood? Featuring Katy Perry, Kanye West (Ye), Mel Gibson, Jim Caviezel, Bob Dylan, Marina Abramović, Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, Target, Eye of Horus, Sirius, Ice Spice, Dionysus the God of Theater, etc.
ICE CUBE & JOE ROGAN REACT to Universal Basic Income & Central Bank Digital Currencies | "If You Do Take the UBI (Universal Basic Income) You Have to Take the CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currencies)." - Ed Dowd + Lost In Trans-Nation?
Ice Cube & Joe Rogan | Gen Flynn Reacts | "I'm Hoping People Wake Up Enough to Slow It Down. They Want CBDC, They Want Everybody On a Social Credit Score System & They'll Connect It to Some Sort of Vaccine App." - Rogan
CBDC | Why Is Russian State Media Reporting "New Money, New World?" + Joe Rogan, Ice Cube & General Flynn React to the World-Wide Introduction of Universal Basic Income, Central Bank Digital Currencies, & Social Credit Scores