Desert Greening | Why Are the Deserts In the Middle East Turning Green? How the United Arab Emirates Is Turning Its Desert Green? Weather Modification 101 + Isaiah 41: 18-19
Hegelian Dialectic | "Thesis, Antithesis & the End Result Is the Synthesis Through the Middle That They Sought All Along. Very Good At Giving You Left Argument, Right Argument..Wings of the Same Bird." - Francis Hunt (8/7/24)
Leigh Dundas | "If George Washington Could Cross the Delaware River In the Middle of a Snow Storm With Fewer Than 1% of the Colonists Supporting Him And Win a War Then We Have a Mandate from God to Do So!" - Leigh Dundas
GOLD | URGENT APRIL 17th 2024 UPDATES | Gold Hits Record $2,383.30 Price!!! BRICS Calls For Middle East to Ditch US Dollar & Bank of Russia Supports Cryptocurrency Usage for International Settlements!!!
Bohemian Grove | Why Are World Leaders Fly to San Francisco to Visit the Bohemian Grove In the Middle of Nowhere to Worship A 45 Foot Tall Owl God Mentioned In Leviticus? UNDER COVER FOOTAGE of The Bohemian Club Founded In 1873
Alex Jones Interview With Tucker Carlson | "He Wanders Around Naked In the White House In the Middle of the Night And Doesn't Know Who He Is On A Bunch of Amphetamines." - Alex | "(Joe Biden) He Is On Drugs. I'm Not Guessing At Th