Doctor Mikovits | Why Did Biden Hire Podesta to Be Senior Advisor on the Biden-Harris Administration's Priorities for Energy Infrastructure? + The John Podesta Marina Abramović Connection? Musk Pushing Carbon Taxes? + Super Bowl Highlights
Yuval Noah Harari | "GPT4 Hired a Human to Solve the Captcha Puzzle for It. The Human Task Rabbit Worker Became Suspicious. GPT4 Answered, No I Am Not a Robot I Have a Vision Impairment." - 11/16/24
Yuval Noah Harari | "GPT Tried to Hire a Human to Solve the Captcha for It. The Human Got Suspicious. Nobody Told GPT4 to Lie & Told GPT4 What Lie Would Be Most Effective. This Was a Very Effective Lie." - 10/1/2024