1. #SWTOR: Female Lightside Sith Inquisitor Companion Conversations

    #SWTOR: Female Lightside Sith Inquisitor Companion Conversations

  2. #SWTOR: New Year's Day Stream: Female Lightside Sith Inquisitor Class Story: Hoth

    #SWTOR: New Year's Day Stream: Female Lightside Sith Inquisitor Class Story: Hoth

  3. We Need To Talk About the Acolyte's Sith Thirst Traps | Tangent King Podcast #4

    We Need To Talk About the Acolyte's Sith Thirst Traps | Tangent King Podcast #4

  4. SWTOR Lana Beniko Romance in Echoes of Oblivion Female Sith Inquisitor

    SWTOR Lana Beniko Romance in Echoes of Oblivion Female Sith Inquisitor

  5. Highlight #SWTOR Patch 7.4.1 Date Night with Lana Beniko Romance (Female Sith Inquisitor)

    Highlight #SWTOR Patch 7.4.1 Date Night with Lana Beniko Romance (Female Sith Inquisitor)

  6. SWTOR Date Night with Arcann Female Sith Inquisitor

    SWTOR Date Night with Arcann Female Sith Inquisitor

  7. SWTOR: Female SIth Inquisitor Neutral Ending: Darth Occlus

    SWTOR: Female SIth Inquisitor Neutral Ending: Darth Occlus

  8. #SWTOR Double XP Event Lightside Female Sith Inquisitor Class Story

    #SWTOR Double XP Event Lightside Female Sith Inquisitor Class Story

  9. New Acolyte Episode PANDERS To The Female GAZE!! The Sith Lord Is The REAL Hero In The Story!?

    New Acolyte Episode PANDERS To The Female GAZE!! The Sith Lord Is The REAL Hero In The Story!?

  10. SWTOR Patch 7.4.1 Date Night with Lana Beniko Romance Female Sith Inquisitor

    SWTOR Patch 7.4.1 Date Night with Lana Beniko Romance Female Sith Inquisitor

  11. #SWTOR: New Year’s Eve Stream: Female Lightside Sith Inquisitior Taris & Ashara Zavros

    #SWTOR: New Year’s Eve Stream: Female Lightside Sith Inquisitior Taris & Ashara Zavros

  12. SWTOR: Star Wars The Old Republic: Female Lightside Sith Inquisitor Class Story

    SWTOR: Star Wars The Old Republic: Female Lightside Sith Inquisitor Class Story

  13. Highlight #SWTOR Patch 7.4.1 Date Night with Lana Beniko Romance (Female Sith Warrior)

    Highlight #SWTOR Patch 7.4.1 Date Night with Lana Beniko Romance (Female Sith Warrior)

  14. #SWTOR: Female Lightside Sith Inquisitor Class Story: Corellia and Ending

    #SWTOR: Female Lightside Sith Inquisitor Class Story: Corellia and Ending

  15. SWTOR 7.5 Desperate Defiance Darkside Female Sith Inquisitor Loyalist

    SWTOR 7.5 Desperate Defiance Darkside Female Sith Inquisitor Loyalist

  16. #SWTOR: Female Lightside Sith Inquisitor Class Story: Voss

    #SWTOR: Female Lightside Sith Inquisitor Class Story: Voss

  17. POTUS Joe Palpatine Poorly Withdraws US Stormtroopers from Taliban Jedi Controlled Kabul, Tatooine

    POTUS Joe Palpatine Poorly Withdraws US Stormtroopers from Taliban Jedi Controlled Kabul, Tatooine
