5D "Awakening": It Happened, it's OVER, 5D Vs. 3D isn't an Option When You Already Chose (Didn't Know You Did?) Next, Everyone Goes to Where They're Supposed to—and Have Been for Some Time! | Ralph Smart and Danica Patrick
President Trump Addresses the Libertarian National Convention (5/25/24) | He Endures MERCILESS Boos/Heckles at an Event Worthy of His Original Purpose. Libertarians Don't "Trust Plans"—They Demand #EndTheFed and to #BecomeUngovernable!
DEFINED: An Individual (Who Barely Believes in Individuality, But That's Another Topic) WITHOUT Purpose. And if Everything is Reflection (it is) Where Can it Be Seen at the Other End of the Pole?: Cults Like Qanon. | #PurposeThatLacksKnowingThyself